Remember Little Red?

Well, here is the whole gang.  It was a pleasure to see this family and shoot their family’s legacy…capturing their memories.  They make a beautiful family don’tcha think?  These photos were taken in a backyard!  Can you believe it?  It reminded me of that 2007 movie, Bridge to Terabithia.  GREAT movie. 

Bridge to Terabithia Poster

Anyway, there was a little bridge and some really pretty landscaping.  It was such a great place to play make-believe…I guess that’s why it reminded me of the movie.

Okay, here are few of this sweet family.  Little Red is such a natural model, and well Little man, he was SO patient and tried really hard.  He’s so cute, it’s just fine he wasn’t quite ready for a runway. :)  Mom and Dad are super sports.  LOVED the colors.  Thank you so much friends!  I enjoyed my time with you guys in the backyard!

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